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Footsteps : Through the Mountains in a Tempo | Day 1

Jorthang, Sikkim

At the border of Sikkim and West Bengal by the river Rangeet there is small town called Jorthang in the state of Sikkim. In the December of 2018 I happened to be there for some work. The town is actually a valley just behind the Darjeeling ranges. At night one can see the Darjeeling town lights from distance from the river banks.

Main squire Jorthang near taxi stand  

Now, Why I was there? I was there to oversee some deliveries of high tech lab instruments to schools across Sikkim, mostly South Sikkim. To get to each locations we hired a small Tata truck or tempo for 4 days. There I met the driver Mr. Jigme. He lived 2 hours away from Jorthang in a west Sikim village. So let me tell you my story of the journeys through the eastern Himalayan Mountains for 5 days.

Rangeet Riverbed

I stayed in a small but nice Hotel in the main town center of Jorthang. Sikkim is a very neat and clean state and so was Jorthang. Riverbed beside the town was a good place to hang around in the afternoon. The town was mostly walkable by foot. 

The next day after I met with Jigme we started our journey each day morning in his tempo. We covered 2 schools everyday. My job was to meet the Principal or person in charge while they unpack materials and explain him or her the next phases of works. People are very nice and worm in those areas. They would take us in and serve us hot tea or some food try to help us or guide us as much as they could.   

Hotel I stayed in

Day 1 :   So, on the first day we didn't go much far. We went to Samsing at first, which is around 1 hour from Jorthang and then about one and half hour north from there we went to a place in the middle of two towns.

I woke up early as I wanted to go to the river in the morning. It was quite surreal as the small town is slowly waking up, the prayer bells are ringing in the small hill top monastery small shops were opening for tea and tiffin. I ate some hot thupka at an aunties place. This become quite a regular affair after that. At around 10 o'clock Jigme, our driver came with his car. The vehicle was loaded with packages that were stacked here earlier. By 10:30 am we left.

Jorthang Bridge. View from Monastery

There was a beautiful bridge as soon as we leave Jorthang over the rangeet river. From there we took the right side and went up the hill. Rangeet river was running by our right side. It was not much interesting but a journey through hilly road is always nice. Soon enough we reached Samsing. Whenever I go to any school in mountains or hills I always feel, "I wish I studied in a place like that". That feeling came back to me. We did what we needed to do. The Principal was a nice person but seemed a little too worried about everything. Rangeet followed us to Samsing. The school was near it. So one could see the river from school ground. The river was green and looked absolutely amazing from a height. I stood there for some time and talked to one of the teachers at the school while looking all around. The hills of south Sikkim were taking my breath away.

Disclaimer: Words are not going to be enough to explain the beauty of the journey that I am writing about. So I will put some Pictures throughout this story. hope you enjoy. 

On the way
With Rangeet on the right

We had some tea there and we left for the next destination. Soon we left Samsing and started going north. In Sikkim you can see the high himalayan peeks like the Kanchanjaungha and others from many different locations. But since coming to Sikkim I began to see those ranges from then on. From that place kanchanjungha is straight north to us so whenever the car turned east and went in that direction I could see it on my left. This was my closest ever view of Kanchanjangha at that point. And It looked just so majestic and huge. There were many other ranges you could see along with it. I would ask Jigme to stop by whenever we found a good view point. He didn't mind a bit and always with a smile stopped the car and told me about that particular place if he new something. Jigme was quite used to the these roads as he told me, he grew up around these areas and used to drive big trucks for companies in these areas and also many other places outside sikkim. After a few years he stopped trucking and started working in smaller vehicles doing tourist trips mostly and delivery works like ours. With all these views around I don't really remember much of the road condition but I think it was quite good for the first two days.

on the way to next school
starting to see the ranges 

Soon enough we reached our second destination. I just can't remember the name. Probably because there was no signs or shops around. It was a bit outside of a town. This was quite an experience though. The school entry path was a steep climb, not properly paved and filled with fallen leaves from the trees beside the road. So Jigme had to first make the car properly face the steep pathway, then he went down and tightened the lock at the back as car had open carriage. Then he sat tight and I asked me hold strong, which I did, then pressed the gas and in very smooth run of 10 to 15 seconds he got the car up the road on to the school ground. The whole school came out during this whole thing as I already called the principal after seeing the steep turn. The teachers were helping him with directions and everything. The students were just jumping and running around. I think they knew about the things that are coming to their school. After I was done with the office work the Principal gave us something to eat and some tea. They gave us chairs but I couldn't sit as I saw some stunning view in front of me. As the school was kind of on a hilltop I could see the beautiful small town in front and with small houses beautifully decorated with flowers and one could see some step farming in the distance also and of course the himalayan ranges on the horizon.             

A view from the school ground

We finished early today and we got back early also as it was the first day and I wanted to take some rest. The emotions were a bit mixed on that day. I was really tired because all the previous journeys I had to take to reach Jorthang from Delhi but the excitement of being able to explore the next day again was taking all those tiredness off. But to stay fit and be able enjoy thoroughly I decided not to fool around but return to base that is Jorthang. We took the same root back. Though it was same but still managed to mesmerize me through out the return journey. I didn't do too much after my return that day. When we returned it was around 4 pm. Jigme left me for the day and went on to get back home. We planned for an early morning start tomorrow as we had to go quite a distance. I was just excited for tomorrow. But that story is for the next day. 

View from hotel

As I returned, I took bath, as the hotel boy was quite helpful in getting me some hot water. I didn't do too much that evening. There was a restaurant downstairs in the hotel where I ate dinner that night and went to sleep early excited for the next day.

Now, for those who wants to know, to go to Jorthang you need to go to teesta bazar from Siliguri. Tata sumo or other similar vehicles are always available for rent or share ride from main stand near Siliguri station. But you should go early as vehicles to Jorthang from teesta bazar are little less frequent then other routes. Direct vehicles Siliguri to Jorthang is rare but I think it should be more frequent now.

Please share your thoughts and comments and I will come back with the next part of the journey tomorrow.




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