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Footsteps : A place called Kalasa

Kalasa, Karnataka

Meeting Kudremukh

 It was fate that I suddenly landed at this place all of a sudden all those years ago. A simple detour that took more than a half a day to reach Kalasa from Mangalore. But the experience of that journey still lingers in my mind. 

This is not a tourist destination by any means and neither was I a tourist. It was a sudden call of duty that took me there. So let me tell the story about that day that I met Kudremukh.

Kalasa is a small town of Karnataka in hills of the western ghats. Not really anything famous or interesting but still beautiful in its own way. I had some office work there at a high school in that town. The usual route to reach there is a road trip through narrow winding hilly roads of  the western ghats from either Chikmanglur or Shivamoga. That's a trip on itself. But through some fated reason I was in Mangalore and I need to go to Kalasa for a days work.

PU school Kalasa 

I had no idea how to go there from Mangalore. I also had a package that I had to take with me which I had to pick up from Mangalore railway station. So on the day of the journey I went early in the morning to the station, took my package and asked the people at the station for direction.   

After a lot of brain storming with the locals we figured a best route. Most of them weren't sure themselves. I decided to take a free ride in a tempo van that was going to Karkala. Karkala is small town near the beginning of  the ghats from the west side. We started our journey around 9:15 am. It took us around one and half hour to reach the town. It was about 11 am when we reached the small bus terminus in the town of Karkala. I ate some food and went out to find myself a ride preferably as bus. Now, that was a problem that I didn't think would come as my mangalorian guides told me "Bus!! don't worry, one after another.". Locals told me that buses are rare for the route that I am going and leaves early morning or late afternoon. I have to wait around 2 hours for the next ride. I couldn't do that. I had another option. Book a ride to Kalasa is a cab. So after much bargain I took a cab for 1500 Rs. They said its a loss for them if they go any lower as they will not get any ride back. So basically I had to pay for a two way ride.

A bus that I didn't find

Oh! for those who are familiar with the places, will know in summer times its vary very hot and humid. But thankfully I was there around March. So it was ok. Now I had no idea what kind of route I was taking. So when the journey began it started normally like going through the town roads then getting out in the open village roads. After sometime the scenery started to change as we started going up the hills and the valleys. 

Hanuman Falls(can't remember the exact name) 

The valleys looked stunning as we kept on going. I asked the driver what is this place. His name was Somnath. Somnath told me "this a famous place for shooting movies". This place was called Kudremukh and we were going through the valleys and hills of Kudremukh. It was quite a long journey.  As we kept going through the road, the valley opened up itself with all its glory. The terrain was neither too high or too low, so the drive felt very pleasant. 

The hills were lash green and almost like somebody has covered them in different shades of green carpet. In some places, there was good tree cover and some places it was little less. The sky was clear enough so the color green and the blue sky with white cloud patches made it look like a picture book made by nature. I was inside that picture book covering it from its beginning to the end. As we went towards Kalasa the meadows started to show up. At one time as we were going downhill, I saw in front of me this perfect picture out of a story book with lash green meadow meeting the blue sky at the horizon with clusters of trees in distance in different directions. We would see a few settlements here and there through out the journey. That only made it more appealing to me as they were like some man made jewels in this picture book of mother nature. I was so mesmerized by the scenery I forgot to take pictures. I took a few when we were crossing the falls and the meadow. You can see two of them above. This beauty continued as we went on. I was like a kid again turning my head all around from inside the car to grasp as much as I could. Somnath was a nice driver. He probably drove a little slow as he was telling me about the tourists he usually bring in this route. I was so spell bound at that time that I can't remember the end part of the journey quite well now. All I can still remember are those green meadows and winding road through it. 

It was around 2 pm when we reached Kalasa. I don't exactly remember the last few kilometers but I guess we reached locality after crossing the Kudremukh National Park exit post. Somnath stopped the car told me that. We also saw two or three water falls on the way. I can't remember the names right now but one of them had Lord hanuman's name attached to it. If anyone knows please share. 

After we reached Kalasa, I had to leave my driver for his return journey as I had a plan to go to Bangalore from there. I remember the feeling when I thought he would go and enjoy that drive again and I won't be in it to see it once more. So, I did what had to do and then planned my journey to Bangalore. Oh yeah and I missed the only bus that day for Bangalore. For those who know the place knows what situation I was in. Though, I myself didn't know at that time. But that's a story for another day.  

I always wanted to tell the story of that day to someone but I never did. So I guess after 5 years I am writing this down and through that may be re living it a little. A supposed boring and hectic work day turned to a special journey, while people plan for this kind of trips for months. Though I could not stop for enjoying the views a little longer that day as I had a schedule to meet, but still I enjoyed it so much. One day I would like to take that route again and stop at every place and take tons of pictures, walk through those meadows and what not.

Now, to go there I have already told you how I did it. You can do that too. Or you can go to Kalasa from a different routes (from Chikmanglur or Shivamoga) and book car from Kalasa. Later I asked a few other people who told me, there are stays available at Kalasa but you should call them before going there if you want a stay. From Karkala also cars are available for trips. 

Ok. Now I will stop. Let me know if you liked the story and if it inspires you to visit Kudremukh then great. Please feel free to comment and ask if you have queries. If somebody has been there please share your thoughts. 











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